Homebound Without The Bog Roll? How We Can Actively Use This Time To Shine.

I had drafted a post last week to share five books that have made a huge impact on my life and mindset these past few months, whilst I have been without work. Considering the current status of the world right now with what is rapidly unfolding daily with Corona Virus/ Covid-19, I have now decided to pen this post still, with some advice for those who have been told to stay at home, work from home, or whatever situation you are currently facing, and want to stay productive and positive and support those in need at the same time. There is no doubt that the next few months are going to be tough, but we got this. Together.
*(but a safe 5 metres apart).

I guess I had the urge to share this with you more so, as since I left my job in Dubai in December and have been searching for the next (and also waiting out the brutal winter), I have pretty much been self isolating during the week. And revelling in every moment of that, within the four walls of my apartment. I know we now have a responsibility to stay home unless absolutely necessary and essential to leave, so I will share with you a few tips on how to curb the boredom and actually personally flourish even throughout these testing times.

1. Master your skills, or learn a new one!

There are over 100,000 courses online on https://www.udemy.com/ alone with constant discounts. I recently purchased a course about Social Media Management and SEO writing. Both subjects I’m hugely interested in, and with all the time in the world on my hands- I have been using the time to sharpen my skills in the field! Perhaps you have always wanted to learn a new language, or master the art of speaking in public. But you never had the time. This is your time, right now. We have been propelled in to this time to connect not only with each other, but to also align to our purpose in life.

2. Read, read, read.

And i dont just mean the depressing, media circus that is the British news 247. Or twitter (slightly/ overlery guilty of that though TBF!) I mean, really read. Books, articles, online studies, self help books, novels, poetry! Not only do these offer a slight escape from the madness of what is currently happening, but in my opinion it was never an apple a day that kept the doctor away- it was a book. Good for the mind, good for the soul. If you like self help books or not, they can really help to alter your mindset in to a more positive way of looking at things. And we all need a little bit of that right now. I kind of dislike the word ‘self- help’ I feel it puts people off wanting to go down that route. Yet most of the books I had read have been paramount in changing my life, let alone my mindset. And I definitely would not be recommending them if I didn’t believe they could yours.

My picks;

The Secret: Rhonda Byrne/ Super Attractor- Gabrielle Bernstein/ Snowing in Bali (for those who love tales of the underworld).

3. Write daily gratitude’s.

I am with you here, it may feel like the world has descended in to such madness that it’s hard to think of anything but that- however, by writing even just 3 things that you are grateful for daily- it is scientifically proven to increase your mood for the day ahead. And I know these are challenging times for each and every one of us and our families, we are literally all in this together- but despite our situations we have to remain with this outlook and be grateful for the things we do have. (except the bog roll, obvs). I want to also add, that throughout this time- now is more of a time than ever to show our support to small businesses. I will share a link below to a very talented and creative friend of mines website. She has hand created ‘The Gratitude Journal’ and offering 20% on each purchase this week.


4. Get Creative!

I was inspired this week by my fave instagrammer @Tezza as she was offering photography tips and tricks via her stories- and how we can get creative in our home (for those interested in the field). The use of mirrors, lighting, playing around with your furniture and props to create different angles and shots. I am actually really excited about doing this, is anyone with me on this one?! Even if photography isn’t a passion of yours, then just moving your apartment around, cleaning out the closet- these are all productive things you can be doing whilst home bound. I have been waiting to hang these frames up for a while, and had a little bit of fun with my camera today in the living room. The frames are by Green Lili Art, again another small business on Etsy a friend of mine owns, we can all support each other through these times!


5. Journaling.

Writing down your thoughts, even just a few sentences each day acts as a release for anxiety and stress related concerns. I know parents are headed in to chaos soon with the schools being shut down, and I know you will have a million other things to do than write down your thoughts. But it can really help as acting as an outlet for any stress you may be feeling during these upcoming weeks, months. It’s really going to be strange looking back on these journals come 2050 telling our grandkids WTH happened in 2020, right?

6. Create a routine & work space.

I guess this wont be too hard for those working from home anyway, but ensure you maintain a set number of hours that you work including your lunch break, and many, many coffee breaks (way more of that working, ‘isolating’ at home, put the kettle on, for the umpteenth time love!) Create a specific spot in your home that will solely be your working station, or home-schooling classroom. And try to avoid at all costs, working from home, in bed. Keep that for the fun activities, like reading 😉

7. Join your community groups on Facebook.

I had never thought to look before, but since the outbreak of Corona Virus I actively hunted out my local communities via facebook to see what I could do to help in this crisis situation. I found out that supermarket Iceland in our town opens one hour before to allow the elderly and those high risk in to the store first before anybody else to do their shop which I think is just amazing. More of this please !!

8. Exercise.

Not going to lie, not my forte- nor my enjoyment, however we cannot deny how vital it is to keep ourselves active and fit, especially during these times we are required to stay home. Not only for a healthy body, but for the majority of us right now- a healthy mind. As you have already probably seen, a lot of gyms are no longer open and look doubtful to be in the weeks ahead. However, here is the good news- we can workout from HOME! YIPPEEE (pretends to punch air living with a personal trainer, damnit). My boyfriend Jack (IG: @jackedtraining) will be enlisting his online coaching wizadry with regular home workouts and tips to help us through this time to keep us sane, and prep for that summer bod 2021- I mean, I was never going to be ready for this year anyway. So, every cloud.

I hope you found this an enjoyable light hearted read, and can be inspired somehow to find ways to feel a little more positive through what is an uncertain, challenging and scary time in the world right now. We must look after our families, each other, and offer our support where we can. Stay indoors and utilise this time to shine within. Really!

We got this.

Sending love, stay safe.

Jess x
