No Date, No Problem: Why The Only Person You Should Be Celebrating This Valentines- Is You.

It’s that time of year again, after what seemed like an eternity spent in January, we have somehow been catapulted at the speed of light into the season of red love hearts and mushy cards- Hello February, it has been a minute.

Whether you are in a relationship, single or in to the whole ‘Valentine’s Day’ thing or not, whatever your situation, i believe it has come the time now more than ever, in which we must understand the importance of self- love, why we need to be practising it and why we, ourselves need to be celebrated not only this Valentine’s Day but every day!

But what exactly is ‘self- love’? Firstly, practising self- love has been psychologically proven to alleviate feelings of depression, anxiety and in general, help to keep our mental health in check. And thanks to the era of social media and the surge of health and wellness accounts- you have most probably scrolled by the many ‘memes’ all stating facts and somewhat spiritual blurbs that self-love really does equate to a happier well- being. Well here’s the thing, it truly does.

So how exactly do we practise this seemingly ‘foreign art’ of loving ourselves?

·       The Importance of Self Worth

Feeling worthy is a fundamental factor when we discuss self-love. It is at the very core of our beings, our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs. If you do not feel worthy of yourself, you will only attract that what you perceive you are worth, it really is that simple. When you lack self-worth, it is a different feeling entirely than simply lacking in confidence- feelings of worthiness lessen your value, and what you feel you have to offer to this world. Once you shift your mindset and begin to celebrate your being to knowing our worth and beyond, you will attract only good things to your life!

·       Fall in Love with Your Authentic Self

Lose the fear, the shame, and the ill thoughts towards yourself, and start to pay close attention to your words, beliefs and thoughts. Imagine your mind body and soul is your friend- would you really talk to your friends in the way you talk to and think about yourself? Instead of dishonouring yourself, putting yourself down, we all do it [and i am number 1 culprit of this!] knowingly or not.

·       Raise Your Vibration

This is an important factor, in order to practise self-love, and journey towards that goal of celebrating ourselves every day. Raising our vibration puts us on a level of frequency that attracts only positivity, incredible opportunities and synchronistic events into our life. Eating raw organic and unprocessed foods, or just healthier foods in general, stating out loud what you are grateful for, getting out in nature and even something a simple as a hug, or for us brits, our favourite- a brew.

Forgive others, Forgive Yourself 

This one was hugely important one for me, harnessing ill feelings towards others, and feelings of guilt, of something you did, or they did way back when, not only weakens your own vibration but it simply does no good- to either party. It only places a burden on your own life, and prevents you from moving forward, and attaining that place of peace within and, suprise, self love! Im sure you will have read it over and over but the best way to overcome resentment and anger towards others is to lead a happy and fulfilling life. In simpler terms, let, it, go.

It seems so simple, to just love ourselves yet we are living in a world that let’s be honest, kind of teaches us not to! Even the simplest of practises, such as the ones I’ve included here have the power to change our mindset towards creating a happier, healthier, self loving being and isn’t that ultimately what life’s about?

Hope you enjoyed reading this, I guess it’s important because whatever your situation whether you are coupled up or single AF- it applies to us all.

Happy LOVE DAY today and always

Jessica xx