It's assesment time!

So ive tried to explain the application process so far. Because i know that when i was applying, i was constantly searching the net for blogs, and forums that explained the assessment day and what was expected of you. I luckily had guidance from friends who had done this previously- so it wasnt too bad of an experience.
When i arrived at the Assessment day, at the same hotel in Leeds, i was so nervous (i’d hardly slept as well either, never one to miss the party…!) so my eyes were not quite as ‘sparkly’ as the day before, but i didnt care how tired i was- i was making an impression and getting through this stage! My friend had advised me that when you do the group exercises, remember to listen and not talk over anyone. I really took that on board. My friend Sam didn’t come as she wasnt applying this time round, so this time i was allowed to unleash the inner geek in me. Unashamedly 😉
We had to group together and do some team building exercises- you can see the Recruitment Co-Ordinator watching you the entire time, so my advice is as above- make sure you are not talking over anyone and obviously STILL SMILING!
After the team building exercises, the Co-Ordinator tells you to go and wait outside until she calls you back in. This part is really funny, it really reminds me of X factor- the boot camp stages. All these girls primped, preened and polished- anxiously awaiting their fate. Nail biting must have been invented for times like these.
We are called back in to the conference room. She tells our group that we have been successful and have all got through to the FINAL INTERVIEW STAGE! Yes! Did it (insert imaginary air punch right here) Jackpot. We are given forms to fill out, and told our dates for the interview- only x days away.
Suddenly everything is happening so fast, blink and your gonna miss it.



  1. lyphuong
    April 12, 2013 / 7:38 am

    Hello Jessica,
    I am Ly, i and i am Vietnamese girl. I knew your blog from i searched this site for looking for some helps for my cabin crew interview.I have an assessment day with Emirates Airline on 21st April at Ho Chi Minh city,VIet Nam.So i am a bit of anxious and worried about it.
    i hope with your experience that you passed the test,could you please give me some advise what is the most important thing i need to prepare on my Assessment day?
    i know you are very busy with flights but i hope you can help me.
    Good bless and the best things come to you
    Thanks and B.Regards,

  2. Katlyne
    November 6, 2014 / 10:46 am

    hey Jessica, my name’s katlyne and I’m about to go to my first OD in 2 weeks… I’m so nervous! I don’t know anybody who experienced this before, so I wanted to ask you some things about the group tests, the essay etc… As you can see I’m not a native English speaker so it is even more stressful lol. So yes I just wanted to know what kind of exercise it is (in group), can you explain it to me in details? (if you have time, since you certainly have a busy life now :D) And also, are the working conditions good? Do you like Dubai? Arrgh I know I shouldn’t get so interested right now since I’m not even at the final stage but I can’t control my curiosity ^^ I’d like to read your entire blog but maybe I’ll just wait to see if I reach the FI… 😉 Hoping to have a reply, have a good day/night wherever you are in the world 🙂